Take a stroll through the Moonshine Fine Art Gallery Below!

Take a stroll through the Moonshine Fine Art Gallery Below!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

     Howdy! Howdy! I have finished the cover of my story, Liberty Lil.  What do you think?  I know that's a dangerous question, but it's rhetorical.  It's too late and I'm too pooped to take hecklers!
     Since I'm posting the cover, I'll add just a little from chapter eight that makes me chuckle...but to tell the truth, it doesn't take much to amuse me.  Here it is.....

Can you imagine a year with Bobby as class president?  Unfortunately I can.  If he had his way Science would be replaced with robot doodling, math with power napping and English with an arm-fart choir.  I’m pretty sure the job market is slim to none with those stellar skills.

“Mrs. Snodsnucker, can you explain the Electoral College,” I asked hoping I could suck up as much knowledge as I could in case the Doodle-Nap-Fart-Master won the school election.

...And that's all for now!  I attend a writing conference this weekend and will then be a little bit closer to being able to publish Liberty Lil on e-readers.  Technology can be a real head-scratcher!
Take care, Christine 

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