Take a stroll through the Moonshine Fine Art Gallery Below!

Take a stroll through the Moonshine Fine Art Gallery Below!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Where have I been?

    I just have to say "it has been a long winter"...and it's not over yet.  Event after event has kept me from blogging the past couple months and I have been reminded of that often from a loyal reader.  I've had busy kids and a few deaths of loved ones and friends loved ones but one in particular that has kept me in a funk lately.  My horse, Moonshine (of Moonshine Fine Art Studio), passed away on a chilly Sunday morning in February.  I was fortunate to be with her and hold her while she passed.  As hard as that is I've had movies playing in my head of all the amazing things that horse and I did together in our youth.  She was 30 years old so I can't say it was totally unexpected but I love her very much and she will be greatly missed.  It certainly wouldn't be Heaven without horses and now the best is there!
    On a much brighter note, my sons, Marcum 12 & Dillon 11, became proud Shepard's of a bunch of little lambs this January.  They saved their money from 4-H and their ewes from the past couple of years and purchased a flock of ewes and a ram.  The lambs were born in January so they will be big enough for their local fair.  I was so proud of them as they pulled their first lamb together from the mother.  Many more followed.  I spent many nights sleeping in the barn as to be there for any middle of the night births.  Cold would not be a strong enough word to describe the barn conditions those nights but thanks to good friends and family I had electric blankets and a good dog to get really cozy with.
     I have done a little art in between wrestling season, lambing, scouting and everything else that my 3 children have been into.  Most recently I produced a portrait for an Eagle Scout ceremony.  I have posted pictures below.  Due to the fact that I'm not all that computer savvy, one picture is really big and one is really small.  It was presented locally in my home town and well received.   Eagle Scout, Zachary Siple, was very excited to receive it. 
    Both my sons are scouts and have made it their goal to receive the same rank and my daughter, Josey, is a Maple Valley Dandy Lion.  That is a local club of little do-goodin' girls focused on learning and fun while serving their community.  My  Boy Scouts are busy collecting sap from the maple trees.  The sap is running as fast as a kindergartners nose and keeping up during a busy schedule is next to impossible.  I must have super scouts because they are getting it all done.  The rewards will truly be sweet!  I know...that was sappy!
    Well...I better git!  Take time from your busy life to do something fun and selfish and I will try to do the same!  God Bless!    -Christine